Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I finished reading my new book "Dirt Bike Racer". The point of view is first person. It's about a boy name Ronnie who finds a dirt bike in a river that he was Scobdiving in with his brother. Ronnie is the main point of view in the story. There is no othe point of view in this story.  The way this shape the story is because this show what Ronnie is thinking about the mystery of the guy who broke into his garage. This show all the evidence and his suspicions on who broke into his house. If you haven't guessed all ready the main point is who broke in and try to sabotage Ronnie. Read the book to find out who did it.


My quote is from yoda and he say do or do not there is no try. This mean if you do something you should go through with it. The reason I think this represents me is because if I don't do something I don't do it but if I do something I'll go all the way through with it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The League

I just read my new book The League. There is this kid named Wyatt and he is small and gets bullied by other kids. One day he told on a bully named Spencer. He thought he was going to get beaten up when he went back to school. Then his older sister Kate told him that you should tell Spencer you did it and you should take the beating and man up. So Wyatt calls Spencer and says "I told on you." Later in the story we learn about a football league called the league of pain. Wyatt and his brother Aaron go become members of this league against Wyatt parent's decision to send him to golf camp. So after that Wyatt became more independent of his action as he played more football. At the end of the book when Spencer tries to beat up Wyatt but the league of pain has made him tough so then Wyatt said to Spencer" you try and beat me I'll punch you with this fist." TEXT EVIDENCE Overall this show that Wyatt turns from a wimp to a person who can fight his own battle - THEME