Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I'll be finding similarities and difference Al Capone does my shirts and no summit out of sight. One big main similarity is that both story take place in a real place. Al Capone take place on Alcatraz and No Summit Out of Sight takes place on Mount Everest and more. The difference is that Al Capone is that it a fake story or non fiction book. when no summit out of sight is a a true story. Another difference is this about a kid name Moose to make through living on an island with the worst criminals alive. In No Summit Out Of Sight is about a kid named Jordan who is trying to climb all seven summits, but in a way Moose is also trying to climb his own mountain of Alcatraz. what I mean is he is trying to live with the idea of living with criminals. A similarity is that it both about kids trying to survive in bad conditions. Moose try to learn to live in a prison where he feels like a prisoner. Jordan try to survive in ice cold temperature where every step could mean death. So that was my similarities and difference between Al Capone Does My Shirts and No Summit Out Of Sight.          

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

No summit out of sight plot

I finished reading my new book No Summit out of Sight. It was a pretty good book. Well it basically about a kid who climbs the biggest  Mountains in the world. The mountain I really like reading about was  Mount Everest. Reason is because it had the most action. During Jordan's climb an avalanche happen. It super crazy and he tries to find his dad and almost falls of the leg. It also turn out when he was trying to get his footing he accidentally steps on his dad's head and the spikes on the bottom of his boot hurt his dad's head. My second favorite was mount Denaili. This one is one of my favorite not because of the mountain, but trying to get there. You have to be 14 years old to climb Denali. Jordan was only 11 years old. So he went to court and got a permission. They still didn't let him go. So after arguing they let them go. Then when they got to the checkpoint. They said " this permit is not valid". After more arguing they let them go. When Jordan was at camp one they checked his oxygen levels. They said " if your oxygen level are blow 80 percent he has to leave. It turns out Jordan oxygen levels were 85 percent. Nobody could belive it. They had to send a picture. So that my two favorite area in the book.