Sunday, October 4, 2015

Two day ago I finished watching the outsiders movie and I also readied the book. So after watching the movie and reading the book a see some big difference, but I also see some similarities. Some of difference I say we're at the very beginning were ponyboy was actually writing down the thing that happen to him like a big flashback. The second different story I say was when the soc kid ask to talked to him it was at the hospital but in the movie it was at a ice cream store. There isn't only difference there also similarities. Like the part when cherry said to ponyboy if she ever say dally again she fall in love with him. There also one thing ponyboy said in the movie that is in the book. He said to cherry can you see the sun rise on the north and she said yes. Then ponyboy said so can I on the south. I think he's trying to say the the soc and greaser aren't that different. So those were some similarities and differences in the outsiders movie.

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